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NifSkope problems


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There isn't much to this beyond what I state on the surface.


Any number of people talk about NifSkope as if using it to remove parts of a model would be as simple as loading the model in it, removing the block and then saving. This is what I do, have done and was told repeatedly to do. As far as NifSkope cares, yeah I finished doing the edit I want to do. However if I ever try to load the model ingame, the game immediately perma-freezes. I've gone AFK to do other stuff and let things load but it shouldn't require any extra time to load the edited model anyway and half an hour is too long for any model to load so I would dare say it's not my impatience that is the problem. In general I've been trying to do this to remove parts of armors I find and like as a whole, but want to tweak.


I have the most recent version (1.1.0 rc6, which I believe is the beta and an attempt at Skyrim compatibility) and have tried other versions as well. The corruption or whatever isn't limited to just removing things, whenever I edit anything in NifSkope the model breaks ingame so badly I crash. I may not be experienced, but I've really wanted to get into the Skyrim modding scene. Considering I can't even get Blender to save in .nif (I forget right now what it is, but I knew the full name of .nif files) much less can I figure out the quite frankly confusing interface for it, but what with NifSkope corrupting my stuff, my understanding of the CK being almost null and 3ds Max being entirely outside of my price range, trying to create or change my own stuff has been a massive pain.


Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Do I need to delete something associated with whatever I want to remove? Am I missing something I need for NifSkope to work properly? What's up?

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Perhaps a more detailed explanation of what you are trying to do? Which armor are you editing and what exactly are you deleting? Nifskope isn't really designed for 3D modelling, so unless the armor has a number of separate NiTriShapes making up the various parts (see MAK07's armor mods for a good example or the vanilla Ebonymail which has 2 NiTriShapes making up the amror) then 'deleting' anything will invariably 'mess up' your .nif file ...


You can use NifSkope to 'remove' parts of an armor using the "Alpha" method i.e. Add an "AlphaProperty" to a NiTriShape, then by deleting parts of the diffuse map (texture) you can make various parts 'invisible'

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I've tried it for several dozen armor models and a couple of body models without armor, but with things like tails or ears. I've also tried making transparency adjustments and glows. Everything I do results in the model being corrupted. I wouldn't be surprised if I could just open a file, save it as is, and then load it broken.


To be more specific, as mentioned above I would find a body with ears I don't want or I'd find armor that has extra flourishes I don't like. I'll go in, and I'll remove just the piece of the armor that has whatever I don't like (generally it's around the shoulder or waist area, but I've tried elsewhere too). I really haven't got any idea how much better I can explain it because that's what I do: I left click the thing I don't want, right click it's name, go to "block" and press the remove button.

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As I mentioned above, what your trying to do won't work in Nifskope, unless the piece your trying to remove is a separate, individual NiTriShape (as with the 2 parts to the Ebonymail armor) you CAN delete one of those NiTriShapes and still have a fully functional mesh in game, I haven't opened any armors with ears or tails, but generally most armors/meshes are all one piece, so deleting anything will result in deleting the whole armor ...


Give an exact example of a mesh that you have attempted to modify and what you have tried to do with it and perhaps someone can see what the issue may be ...


Otherwise you may just simply be jinxed, because Nifskope works flawlessly within it's parameters for most others

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