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Trouble with scrapping mod


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I was testing my mod, Better Armor scrap, and the scrap output os fine for everything, except for Metal Armor Chest Piece, Raider Armor Chest Piece, Combat Armor Chest Piece, and the Raider Armor Legs. I deleted the vanilla scrap recipes, so they wouldn't conflict, as I had that issue with my other mod, Better Weapon Scrap.


So, I'm not getting any scrap output for the Raider Armor Legs, but I am getting 1 unit of steel for the Raider, Metal, and Combat Armor Chest Pieces, which is odd: thry're no longer referenced by the vanilla scrap recipe, which gave 1 unit of steel, so one would expect to give nothing.


I've checked the "Uses" of the armor pieces in question, and there wasn't anything that should prevent my mod from working properly.


Any ideas?

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No one with any advice?

Okay. Hopefully, I'll have better luck when I upload it. I hate uploading a mod when I know for a fact that it doesn't work 100%, but maybe some of the uploaders will be able to help me troubleshoot the problem.

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