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Sun Mage - Restoration Changes


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I don't think you were searching in the right place or in the right way , as several mods do this

several perk overhauls (like Ordinator , for example) have perks that allow restoration spells to damage enemies

also several spell mods (like Apocalypse) add new restoration spells that harm enemies (including living enemies , although some spells are dedicated against either living or undead enemies)


I would recommend that you go through the major spell mods out there , as well as some of the more popular perk overhauls around , and choose ones that are compatible and have the best setup for a sun mage in your opinion

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Hmm... it must not be listed in Ordinator because everything I've read is based on damage to undead, as for Apocalypse there are resto spells for damage to living but they are insta-kills or dots. I was looking more for the dawngaurd spells. Light/Sun related spells.




Sun Fire casts a projectile of light similar to that of Firebolt which damages undead. I was hoping for damage to others as well as undead


Stendarr's Aura that creates an aura around the caster which damages nearby undead.

Edited by graysfang
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in ordinator , look at the perk False Light for example

the description mentions enemies , not undead (and I believe this works on all enemies , though I can't remember if this is the perk overhaul I've used when playing such a character)


as for spells , I was just giving an example of a mod that had such spells

there are plenty of other large spell packs here , and I'm sure some have such spells

although using the normal healing spells with something like false light should also work

I can't direct you to any specific mod , but aside from a few hours this week I haven't touched Skyrim in months , so I don't remember all of these mods

but I'm sure you could find them if you look through the magic categories here

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False Light only works with targeted healing spells, not spells like sun fire or stendarr's aura. As for other mods/packs I'm looking but coming up dry lol. I'll just start my research on how to make mods and make it myself, but I was hoping someone more capable would be willing to take up the task or know of a solution .



I found a reg skyrim mod that does what I want but not for SE so I'll see what that one does and duplicated the mods functionality.



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I'm not so sure if a perk could make undead only spells work on all actors

I can't say it's impossible , but I don't know if it is


you could try editing the spells in question , to try and remove the restriction

but I'm not quite sure how to approach this , as I don't know how it's handled (never really checked)


also , I gave you specifically one perk mod and one spell mod

there are plenty of other spell mods and perk mods , so maybe another is closer to what you are looking for

looking back , I think the mod I was using was Perkus Maximus (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11044)

and now that it has been ported to SE (as it wasn't when I last tried to play SE) , now you should be able to use it

and I believe it is more comprehensive in regards to using restoration to kill

the description is a bit vague , but it's really long and informative so that makes sense . you'll have to look up the documentation if you want more specific info , or just give it a try (with a defluffer mod , if one has been ported , as the perk description are vague)

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