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Three Possibly Easy Mod Requests


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Hello, I have a few possibly simple mod requests.


The first mod request that I want is the Unsheathed Camera view. I have found that in the Skyrim.ini you can change the camera view like:





What I am looking for is a mod that will have the sheathed camera view (like how it's over-the-shoulder) have the unsheathed camera view. So pretty much the sheathing and unsheathing will make no camera change, and the default camera angle for third person is as if you are in the unsheathed view.


The second mod is the Candlelight spell tweak. Instead of having the hoverlight last for 60 seconds, you can summon it and it will stay there permanently until you are sheathed. It's like as if it is a Bound Sword that won't have a time limit.


The last mod is the tweak of the Agent of Stealth spell. Instead of having it where it's 120 seconds while sneaking you are invisible, you get to become invisible during first sneak you do.


It's like if I use the spell, then I sneak, I will stay invisible for an unlimited amount of time (unless if I interact with something). If I get out of the sneaking position, then of course I am visible. But if I get back down to sneaking position again, I will not become invisible again. So it's like a one-time-sneak use. If this is created, also make sure that if you cast the spell while you are sneaking it will apply, also.




So those are just the mods that I would like to see. Please link to me any of the mods that you have found or made that does these things. And make sure that the mod only does specifically what I said, I don't really want extra mods involved with it.

Edited by JohnDopey
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