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Morrowind popularity

Guest Caliburn

Which part(s) of MW and it's expansions do you like best?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Which part(s) of MW and it's expansions do you like best?

    • Morrowind
    • Tribunal
    • Bloodmoon
    • Morrowind, Tribunal
    • Morrowind, Bloodmoon
    • All three
    • None, please state why explicitly

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Morrowind is obviously the best of the 3 beacause it was the original.Tribunal does not suck it makes a plesant change from the open countryside of morrowind. Bloodmoon is good probably the best of the 3 . I would like it better if it ran good on my computer without having the draw distance turned down the snowy trees slow it down :( ... anyway changeing the subject a litle can someone please tell me how to become a warewolf?? :blink:
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Morrowind is by far the best, it has the most to offer and has shaken the foundations of the RPG industry just like FFVII did when it was first released. Morrowind has immense staying power because of the expansions, which even though not super huge, still give the Morrowind audience something to sink their teeth into as well as letting us know Bethseda still loves its fans. No other gaming company I know of is so devoted to producing a gem of a product, so hats off to Bethseda for making the game. Next the construction set; hello?! did someone order endless possibilities for the game to be expanded. There are a lot of undiscovered treasures on Vvardenfell just sitting in the minds of those with the ambition to make it into a product, the CS let's us make Morrowind into something unique and unforgettable just by being able to turn the world into something with a bit of your own flavor.


Granted, the expansions can never match up and Tribunal was too quick to really enjoy where you were. But just the way the game has been developed and how it has progressed gives me the sense that there will always be something unchecked despite the fact the game itself it finite.


Even when all is said and done there is always the CS to take up and earn your rank in the modding community with something that will make morrowind even more memorable. I have a strong suspicion that even when ESIV comes out I doubt Morrowind will be leaving many peoples' hard drives.

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blood moon sucked, morrowind had fudeing guilds, a holy trinity, and lots of stuff, bloodmoon just had the idea of warewolfs, wich sounds cool, but gets old after the first night of it. and it didnt even realy follow the storyline of morrowind, like tribunal did. becides i like the idea of me killing off all the "gods" of these people in tribunal, but why wount they worship me?
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i came close to voting none, but i decided to go with morrowind. like nickjones, i don't have either of the expansions, so i can't really say anything about them (although, i hear both are worth buying). as for the game, yeah it's great and all, has good graphics and such, but something seems to be lacking. i can't really say what it is, but to me, it just seems to be missing something. maybe what i'm looking for will be in tes iv (if and when it ever comes out).
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I liked all three, they all bring their own little 'answers' that some ppl questioned in the morrowind world. (well, morrowind didn't bring answers, but it made the questions)


tribunal was the worst, but I liked being in the play.



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Guest Guest_Azz
Morrowind is obviously the best of the 3 beacause it was the original.Tribunal does not suck it makes a plesant change from the open countryside of morrowind. Bloodmoon is good probably the best of the 3 . I would like it better if it ran good on my computer without having the draw distance turned down the snowy trees slow it down :( ... anyway changeing the subject a litle can someone please tell me how to become a warewolf?? :blink:

its apart of the quest, you know that part when the skall village was attacked you had a choice to turn into a were wolf or help the skaal or if u dont have a save before you moved on with the skaal quests go on google and type *morrowind, console command for hircines ring* this will let u turn into a were wolf anytime u wont, even the day. have fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is probably one of the few games that I actually keep playing over and over again. I'll never grow tiresome of playing this fantastic game. It's simply amazing the things you can do with this game. The TES CS offers alot and then some. Not alot of games, like this one, offer that kind of editability. True, not everyone has the cash to spend on 3D Studio Max, or even come close to know what they are doing with it, but if you think about it, you don't even need that program, unless you want to create something that nobody has done thusfar. It's almost endless what you can do. Simply amazing. :D


Much love for the modding community and the modders that are spending hours and hours on projects that make this game even better. You guys/gals are the greatest and I bow before you!

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