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Bodyslide troubles, making another preset


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edit**** I found what I was doing wrong***


I was forgetting to select the groups that the preset could be applied to when I saved it... ach!! :D



So I do know the basics of BS and OS, I've been using a custom preset forever and I will even manually modify some gear in OS with move vertices or increase mesh volume if I need to tweak something a bit. Just saying so you know that I don't need the totally basic tutorial or anything, I went through the tutorial and everything has been working fine.


But now, Im trying to batch build my stuff to a new preset and Im having all kinds of trouble,


I go to cbbe body physics or cbbe body and choose some new slider positions, then I save that as a new custom preset, and build the cbbe body.


Then I load my group filter for all the outfits I want to rebuild, but at that point Im generally unable to select my new preset from the preset drop menu. My old custom preset is still there and no problems if I build those and go back to game everything is the same but I just can't seem to get this new preset to work.. I've been trying to build physics or regular body.. looked threw my outfit group wondering if there's just one thing in there that's not compatible and messing it up.. I just can't put my finger on what Im missing



Any tips would be greatly appreciated <3

Edited by JonnySparta
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when ever I select a piece of clothing the new preset isn't there, the only time I can get it in the preset menu is if I have a cbbe body selected


Happens often. Make sure your preset is selected. Then tick what you want to build in the "Groups" menu. Now hit "Batch build" This option also lets you selected single outfits/bodies, if you want to.

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