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Value Modify of DamageResist Actor Value is broken?


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Just a heads up. I've just found that if you use a Magic Effect to damage the Actor Value "DamageResist" using the Effect Archetype "Value Modifier", the original actor value does not get restored after the effect wears off. This effect is used in the "Marked for Death" shout. I use this shout in my mod (I gave the effect to a creature) and when it was cast against the player, it was causing the player's armor rating to become permanently negative :wallbash: It looks like a bug, I tried the same shout modifying a couple of different AVs (LightArmor & HeavyArmor) and they wore off like they should.
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  • 9 months later...

Yeah, that one's a known bug (although I forgot where I read that, and quick checking doesn't turn up a reference). One option to get around is to use ModAV in OnEffectStart to penalize the damage resistance, and then manually fix it again via ModAV in OnEffectEnd (i.e. using a script instead of the non-scripted approach).


Of course, modifying Light/HeavyArmor, if that indeed works correctly as your testing apparently shows, might be better anyway, as it wouldn't have any effect on an unarmored opponent (which, frankly, to me, is how it should be anyway). (I'm going to have to keep this in mind, I've got plans for a mod much later on that was going to use this type of approach via a weapon property.)

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