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Of Fear and rage


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I've been looking at things in the last few years and it seems that the country is beset by fear of change and the rage of frustration in those that think change hasn't come soon enough. I think both of these two reactions are setting America on a collision course with itself. Something has to give in order for us to move forward. I think the whole world is at a tipping point and what survives out of this will color the world for the next 100 years.


How can we all diffuse this so that we can begin the next 100 years without totally devastating one another and carry on this hate fest, between the left and the right into the next millennium. Sacrifices have to be made. I've said that before but it seems there are too many desiring their own little piece of the pie.

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Personally, I think it's too late to salvage the situation. We are heading for a major disaster, and we are only accelerating on that course. In order to avoid that, to much would have to change, and the only folks that could possibly implement the change, don't want to, as the current situation makes them more money......
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Personally, I think it's too late to salvage the situation. We are heading for a major disaster, and we are only accelerating on that course. In order to avoid that, to much would have to change, and the only folks that could possibly implement the change, don't want to, as the current situation makes them more money......

The one thing I envission is the blow back after all the smoke clears and people stand around blinking and they realize just who orchestrated the downfall, there will be hell to pay. I know it might be a longshot, but I have faith in humanity to recognize B.S. after the anger has worn off.

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Personally, I think it's too late to salvage the situation. We are heading for a major disaster, and we are only accelerating on that course. In order to avoid that, to much would have to change, and the only folks that could possibly implement the change, don't want to, as the current situation makes them more money......

The one thing I envission is the blow back after all the smoke clears and people stand around blinking and they realize just who orchestrated the downfall, there will be hell to pay. I know it might be a longshot, but I have faith in humanity to recognize B.S. after the anger has worn off.


You give the masses more credit than I do then.... we are being led down the garden path to our destruction, and we are going right along with the game they are playing. I don't think it is going to be until AFTER 'bad things'™ happen that folks finally figger out what's been going on.

Edited by HeyYou
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Haha seriously guys?


Fifty years ago people knew, as a fact, that the world would break out in nuclear war that very day. And the best "crisis" you can come up with is Carterian malaise?



And we can't explain something freely without someone coming in and telling us we can't?


I have served in wars for 7 years. You don't think we've made sacrifices yet? I've seen people around me die, I've ended lives, ruined families, and will now say it: WE HAVE MADE SACRIFICES.



The world won't end this lifetime, or the next, or the next. We're not going to collapse in anyway. The world is reflecting the same events of when the Roman Empire died. Think of America as the Roman Empire. It's on it's way to falling, but America will die slowly, and to it's own people. The world is fine, no matter what anybody says.

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Haha seriously guys?


Fifty years ago people knew, as a fact, that the world would break out in nuclear war that very day. And the best "crisis" you can come up with is Carterian malaise?


If you think the various nations, especially the US, can continue on their current course without consequence...... I think you are purposely ignoring what is going on around here, and the world in general.

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HeyYou and SubjectProphet, don't waste your time. Marxist Bastard reminds me of someone who is empty inside and tries to spread that everywhere he goes. Leave him to his own misery. I wish him well, wherever fate takes him!
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You're right, I saw you talking about how the entire world is doomed and I envied your happiness.



What in the op said anything about the entire world being doomed.. I said that the present course could not be sustainable any more than the country at one time could not continue being half free and half slave. There is a tipping point where the those stirring strife will no longer be able to control this strife and the result will not be favorable.


I was simply commenting on your lack of productive input. You added nothing to the conversation and only attacked it. As I said. I wish you well!

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