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unlootable armor


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I have been working on my rpg mod for quite some time and did a quest that works like the repeatable brotherhood contracts. I am able to kill the target, make him resurrect if I get the same quest again. The problem that I have is that since he gets resurrected, if I looted his body before, he will resurrect with no gear on.


When you kill the darkbrotherhood assassin or any of those targets, their armors is unlootable, I looked into the quests and the actor inventory and such and I dont see any options that make their armor unlootable. Does anyone know how you would make it so their armor will stay on them no matter what?


Thansk for any help!

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it has something to do with their assigned outfits. The vanilla followers for instance have assigned outfits that you can't loot, and they will default to wearing those if their inventory is empty.


I can't tell you how these function, its just something you may want to look into.

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I actually looked into the outfit, I figured it would go with the unplayable part of the armor, but if I remember right, a npc like the beautiful barbarian had her own set of armor and yet, when she died, she wouldnt drop it and the armor was playable. If needed I will just do a unplayable armor outfits but when you use 14 differents npcs, it is a long work, but will do what must be done.
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