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immersive soul stones?


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I am not a moder. Don't even know the first thing about making a mod. I am just a full time laborer that plays Skyrim to unwind after work. While working I have a lot of time to think of things and this idea just poped in my head last night.


There are a few mods out there that try to give the player ways to make and/or improve soul stones. Normally the mods use the smelting furnace at a blacksmiths place to grind and or melt them down and combine them. I have not found this very immersive and have been trying to think of a better way for quite sometime.


The idea I have come up with would use an old, but new spell, a better version of transmute "Greater Transmute". This spell can only be used on a Transmutation table/alter. The item/s that the player wishes to Transmute must be placed within and the Greater Transmute spell cast upon the table/alter. There would be some things that are of the same type that could be combined together to make an improved one i.e. two lesser soul stones transmuted together will make a greater soul stone, two healing potions would make an improved version. Then there would be somethings that would need a reagent to combine with to make something new i.e. A reagent with an inget and/or ore to make a different inget and/or ore.


An NPC in the college of winterhold is the only one with the Greater Transmute spell and the inventor for this magical device which has just been destroyed by an experiment. He would send the player out on quests to fix the transmutation table/alter (after the table/alter is fixed you can learn how to make one on your own). Once he gets the table/alter fixed he will wish to continue his experiments and will need you to get him some more supplies so that he may continue. (had a few idea for this part but not going to put those in as of yet)


This NPCs goal is to try making a duplicat of the star of azura (though he will come close but will not be able to). With the transutation table/alter he will be able to combine potions, and ingets with soul stones and make it so that soul stones will be able to be used multiple time without breaking though there will always be a chance they will break with the chance of breaking getting less the more he experiments.


I think that this idea can be expanded quit a lot but don't want to put to many of my ideas down in the hopes that some one would read this, like this and/or maybe think of some tweaks that could be done to this idea and be willing to work on it.

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One can make custom containers that act as crafting devices (the Coffee mods come to mind). This would be easier to control as you could have requirements that need to be met before the recipe becomes available and the components are difficult to obtain. One could also have literally any mesh in the game as your container: Magic cube, barrel, statue of a dragon, pretty much anything with the appropriate havok boxes. The game already has a mechanism for changing soul gems (in the Soul Cairn) though it is not repeatable, so this mod would be mostly lore friendly.


The NPC giving quests would be the real issue. It is not as easy to throw custom voice files and animations into the game and non-voiced quests tend to break immersion.

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I did not know this but there is already a quest that kind of goes along similar lines to what I had been thinking here.



I really don't think this quest should end the same way. Though maybe someone could take some of the lines from the quest that is already there and repurpose them to work with my idea.

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