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NCR and legion money


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I hate how useless the money of the two main factions is, i was hoping someone would have the time to make a legion/ncr vendor that only trades for their currency. vending machines would be just as good if not better, basically how this mod has it, http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42743

but with ncr and legion money and not just ammo, maybe selling lore appropriate things for their faction

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I really love this idea, but I think recipes are a bit of a lame idea...


Maybe a script could be worked out where the NPC automagicly takes all your caps away before the start of a trade (And legion money, if NCR, and visa versa, returned at end of trade) and then you can only trade with them for items (If you wanted, a quick change of a game setting (and back) with NVSE I think could make them pay just about nothing for items you trade to them, but would not affect 'cash') and ncr/legion money (You would either trade them the money, or maybe have the script automagicly convert it to/from 'caps' at full value, after it takes away your real caps)

Edited by Cyberlazy
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I dont like the idea of converting caps into the currency, my reasoning is that it should be a place to unload any faction currency. OR if it can convert, there should be a penalty (500 legion money for 750 caps) since the factions value for caps isn't as high as their own currency. Also I dont like general trade, the ncr vendors should only buy things useful for them, service rifles, medical supplies, etc. the only way I can see all that is with machine recipes, I don't know much about the geck, but I imagine it'd be much more difficult to implement that into an npc. I have a grand dream for an economic overhaul, but still new with the geck. So it'll awhile before I can release anything.


But, I see I went off on an rant there, but I would appreciate any uses for the faction money. Because right now it's just a (weightless) burden. And I loved your case and craft pack, so of you make anything like this happen I know I'd enjoy it.

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Nono, the idea is not to convert caps into currency, its to 'convert' them for the duration of the trade via script behind the players back, so that they act like 'caps' except you are really spending NCR or legion money and don't have access to your real caps.
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couldnt you just role something like this? like depending on what territory/vendor your buying from just select the items you want and then sell them the territory appropriate currency type to "pay" them? denominations not covered by currency would be paid out in caps(like in the casinos)
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Seem to me it would be doable via script. The only slightly annoying thing is it would likey reset your money denominations unless carefuly coded. (ie, give you a $100 if you had 5 $20's)



That wouldn't be a big deal for me, as long as it comes out to the appropriate amount. We could create new ncr money, or if possible, make all the items value even for ncr money.

I really don't want them to trade caps one way or another.



I think the problem with that idea is I don't know how difficult to make the vendor have the right amount for the faction currency (without changing it based on barter.)


Im going to brainstorm some ideas for the items they could carry.

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the right amount of currency? Why would it matter how much the NPC has? You just give him some random amount, give him 0 caps, and the player can manualy trade for it. (Or, Just give him caps and let the 'autoconvert caps to/from ncr money on trade script handle it all)
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I think he meant not adding a script or anything, just going and trading the items for currency in the batter menu.

I meant that I don't think you could effect the value of ncr money alone in the barter menu, how vendors drop the value of items based on barter, so you'd only get part of the currencies value. (money worth 10 caps you only get 6 caps for.

Im pretty sleepy still and dunno if that makes sense, I'll clarify if needed

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