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potential healing weapon?


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Well, I've kinda been thinkin'... it sucks when you accidentally attack an NPC (like that endangered Goodsprings Settler in Sunny's tutorial), or you see a damaged ally and you just want to lend a helping hand, but it's near impossible to heal up a non-companion NPC without using the console. So, I started looking around here, and saw a few weapons that could manually inject stimpacks into the NPCs. Problem is, they become hostile, an' you're using up some rather precious stimpacks.


So, my thought was - taking some inspiration from Team Fortress 2 - why not make an actual gun that can heal people? You know, shoot 'em, but rather than harm 'em, does stuff like repair limbs, restore health, give 'em a boost, stuff like that. However, in the G.E.C.K., I can't reverse damage... I attempt to (pry stupidly) put negative values for damage, blindly hoping that the program would understand, only to find that the values get reset to zero, whoop.


That bein' said, I'm jus' curious if anyone might be able to offer some suggestions on how to pull this off? I tinkered around with the effects and whatnot, but never actually tested it. But anyway. *scoots away from awkward exit*

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If the weapon is set to Damage 0 (Game Data Tab) and Crit Dmg 0 same tab. actors shouldn't turn hostile. Then just create a script effect that calls for the actor to CastImmediateOnSelf stimpak. In the base effect you create for the script make sure hostile is not checked, and self, touch are checked. You could just do other things in the script too, like heal limbs, full health, add other effects, really whatever you want to do. After you have your base effect, then create a weapon effect, and select your base effect. Then just attach it to a weapon.


Anyway that should get you started. If you are not familiar with some of this stuff try reading the relevant sections on the geck wiki. You can learn a lot there after banging your head for a few hours :P

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