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I messed up FO4Edit, nothing can be opened or edited.


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Ok i am going to sound like an idiot. But i missclicked something while i was tweaking with weapon dmg.
Now whatever i do, i cant open any file for editing. Ive tried reinstalling it. Removing all the files i can think of that has anything to do with the program.
Even installing it on another drive. I have not installed more mods between the time it was working and when it stopped.

Well im out of imagination, and skill.

Help would be greatly appreciated.


This is what it looks like, with what ever i try to open.



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could you have accidentally saved a change to Fallout4.esm?

I don't know if this could cause the error , but I've never heard of anyone doing this......


my suggestion is to try verifying file integrity on Steam , or straight up reinstalling the game

hopefully after doing so you should be able to open FO4Edit properly

after you see that it works , start modding the game again

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Thanks for the idea, im gonna try to verify the files!
Reinstalling the game, hopefully doesnt mess up my save, if the verify doesnt work.

Gonna keep googling a little bit, but thanks alot for the advice!

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