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error for SkyUI and skse64


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I'm having a bit of trouble getting skyui to run with skse in vortex. I keep getting and error 1 message telling me that the version of skse is to old and needs to be updated for SkyUI_5_1. But i have the latest version of SKSE64 2.0.7!

(Also I have never modded in my life and I wanted to give it a try for the first time ever, I never thought this was gonna be easy but I didn't think it was going to be this madding XD)


So now i'm stuck in this modding limbo. If anyone can give me a hand and some insight into whats going on that would be amazing!


Also if you come at me with the Admin stuff I already tried that, same with uninstalling and reinstalling.


Its really seems to be the SkyUI because every time i disable it I can run the SKSE 2.0.7 without any issue and even "getskseversion" shows that it is running in the game.


So Idk man, am I just cursed? Any help would be just tops, I really don't want this to be my last time trying to mod because I really love Skyrim.



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You do realize that SKSE64 is for Skyrim Special Edition and SkyUI_5_1 is for oldrim, the forum you are posting on. As you can run SKSE64 2.0.7 I assume you are playing SSE, in that case go to the Skyrim Special Edition mod page and download SkyUI_5_2_SE from there.

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