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Midas Magic Help?


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem, riverhood trader was traitor. he got no midas spell for me, absolutely none.. I even tried the easy way to get midas spell, on second floor. I did exactly what description says and yet no result.


its not from a trader. if you look on the corner of the room, the reactor will be there with a book describing how to make the spells. failing in that, you can add with the console. if you do that and the spells dont work, then id try uninstalling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem, riverhood trader was traitor. he got no midas spell for me, absolutely none.. I even tried the easy way to get midas spell, on second floor. I did exactly what description says and yet no result.


its not from a trader. if you look on the corner of the room, the reactor will be there with a book describing how to make the spells. failing in that, you can add with the console. if you do that and the spells dont work, then id try uninstalling.


In my case, I can't find the reactor's switch on the top. Does anyone know the solution?

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