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FaceGenData FaceTints textures and FaceGeom meshes


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So, I'm having issues with meshes and textures for meshes>actors>character>FaceGenData>FaceGeom>Skyrim.esm and textures>actors>character>FaceGenata>FaceTints>Skyrim.esm and doing Ctrl + F4 in CK doesn't help. Can anyone tell me where I can find the folders online with the files to download so I don't have to reinstall SSE. Apologies if this sounds dumb because quite frankly I am.

Edited by themikatoon
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You can't download single files. At least not in a legit way.


Besides that, you don't need them. The "vanilla" facetint and facegeom data is packed into .bsa archives.


It works like that: If Skyrim detects a loose file within the data folder with the same name and path as the one in the bsa, the data from the bsa gets "overwritten". Loose files always win over ones packed in bsa. Bsa files aren't only good for performance, but also for modding: You can't really "destroy" the base game data while modding. You can only "overwrite" it - and revert this change by removing the modded files.


In your case this means: If you delete the loose file versions of facegeom and facetint, the game will use the "vanilla" data again.


BTW, what were you trying to do? Maybe we can help you.

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