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Over powered weapons


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Weapon damage is controlled by numerous factors, most of which are game settings. The number you see in the CK is the base damage before any modifiers are applied. Modifiers include:


Damage multiplier settings


Player skill levels



The list goes on. If you were to eliminate all these modifiers, then your weapon would only do the damage you specified in the CK.

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I'm trying to make a weapon that does 5 damage, I make it do 5 dmg in the CK but when I go to it in the game, it does like 40 damage?


Most likely your character has skills or gear on that are increasing the stats? A good test might be to make a clean save, load the mod, use the "showracemenu" console command and exit out of it (this will remove your passive skills that may be adding bonuses) then remove all gear, rings, armor, etc, then equip the weapon only and look again at the dmg.

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