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Scripting Question


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I had an idea for a character with magic resistance based on their level, and was wondering how difficult such a thing would be to implement.

I looked at the scripts in the AULIAS quest award leveler mod, but it seemed fairly complicated.

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The example is more of a concept test for how to scale the magnitude of an active magic effect on a character based on some formula (the test uses remaining health to scale a healing effect). The actual working thingy is available here --> link (it is my own website project, so it may not be online all the time, but I will try to keep it up as much as I can). The test thingy only has one effect scaled based on one condition, but if it helps, then that is great. :D


Adjusting the magnitudes of all magic effects on a character based on their stats like level would take more scripting and a more dynamic approach: filtering effect types in case different types of effects should scale differently, for example, and also finding the base magic effect for determining the base magnitude for use in scaling all applied instances of it or something. And then doing it for all characters. It will take more scripting, yes, but it might just be doable. No idea how efficient it would be, though. :unsure:

Edited by Contrathetix
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