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Lighting overhaul and immersive armor settings


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I'm pretty new here so I'm sure this is just a case of not knowing what I'm doing. Hoping somebody can tell me what I'm doing wrong!


I'm running Skyrim Special Edition and I'm trying to use the immersive armor mod and the RLO lighting overhaul. I see where the settings are supposed to be available in the spells menu but I'm not seeing how I'm supposed to adjust them. I thought I was supposed to equip it like a spell and cast them but that's not working. Please help me out!

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I'm pretty sure these are powers , not spells

thus you need to activate them like dragon shouts (for me its Z , but it might be a different button for you)

there is also the possibility of using the MCM menu (if you have SkyUI installed , and I'm not sure if RLO has such a menu) , if you prefer that


as a small note , be aware that Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE are two different games

so this should be in the Skyrim SE forums . I'll move the thread , but just know this for the future , it helps avoid many errors

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