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Strange bug, need help


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Firstly, my video card drivers are up to date. I've tested with the 301 beta and the current 296 release. Skyrim is up to date as well, and I currently use ENB 1.11, but I had this problem before installing ENB, so assume that ENB is not the problem in and of itself.


I really want to love Skyrim, but every time I manage to start liking it, something else breaks. This time, certain objects turn partially invisible. A good word for it is translucent. It seems to follow a pattern, as characters silhouetted against the sky and anything in front of a light source becomes translucent. I've tried turning off transparency AA, and I've turned off all AA. It doesn't work, which is really too bad because when I had this problem before I just disabled transparency AA and it went away.


My idea was that ENB might be forcing some kind of AA which aggravates the problem, thus explaining why I used to have it, and why it went away with an AA tweak, and why it's now back. However, after disabling ENB along with all my AA the problem persists, which gets rid of that hypothesis. I've tried with and without SMAA, and all my other AAs in various combinations, and SMAA doesn't cause it. This issue isn't game breaking, but it's certainly annoying, especially since whenever something turns transparent my ambient occlusion disappears from the object. I need to know two things:

1) Does anyone have an idea of how to fix it?

2) Would the problem go away if I got a new video card? I'm willing to cope with the issue for a couple years until I upgrade, if that would make it go away.


Oh, btw, for those of you familiar with my problems, I eventually mostly solved my stuttering problem by running the ASUS core unlocker of my mobo and by capping my framerate at 16. :facepalm:

I can run Skyrim on ultra at 50+ fps, and I have to cap it at 16 to get rid of the stutter and freezing. Bethesda, why are you subjecting me to this? This is a thousand dollar+ rig that I bought just for Skyrim. :unsure:


I enabled ENB because it doesn't increase my stutter, and if I'm capping at 16 fps anyway I might as well make the game look better than something from 2008.

Edited by Rennn
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