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Greetings all, noob to the creation kit here, I'm working on a spell that would un-equip all gear and fear the target. I've got the fear part down, and I know there's a disarm effect, but is there an un-equip all effect? or is that something I can make?


Thanks in advance,


~ Kk

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is there an un-equip all effect?

SKSE might have one or they might be planning to make one


or is that something I can make?


You should be able to script a workaround.

Things you would need:

1.A custom container that you can stash out of sight in an empty cell

2.A script for your magic effect that uses RemoveAllItems to move the targets inventory to and from your custom container.

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Just write a small script that uses the "UnequipAll" papyrus function, and attach it to the spell's magicEffect. :thumbsup:


Scriptname FearSpell extends ActiveMagicEffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



Edited by steve40
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