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Operation Blackbriar: MOD HELP


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Hey all... I've been gone for awhile but I'm back. I've picked back up on a pretty ambitious mod but I definitely could use help - my scripting and geck skills are limited and I'm doing what I can on my own. However, to make it as comprehensive, immersive, and "real" as possible I will definitely need help.


A little overview on the mod: <DISCLAIMER: this mod is meant to be played as a new game. It will essentially "break" the story line quests as it inevitably pits you against most if not all of the major factions. It's meant to be something you play after you've conquered the wasteland a 1,000 times or are just in the mood for something different.> It introduces another (survivor) faction to the game whose purpose is to "restore" the sovereignty of the US in accordance with the founding values, principles of the country - long before Enclave & the War. You will gradually collect resources, build a base, complete missions & begin to extend order, control and security out across the Mojave. You will build alliances and obviously come into conflict with Legion, NCR, House, etc. and will find yourself on missions targeting their members, etc. And at some point, you will come into your own personal conflict - keep on the road of restoring order to the Nevada Territory with the goal of bringing it back into the Union or rebelling and taking it for yourself!


I have a pretty extensive (detailed) history already written and the beginnings of the quests/base, etc. and would be happy to share the info with anyone interested in scripting, testing, giving advice or mesh/texture work.






PS: The link to the mod is below: but it is VERY EARLY beta. I should be releasing updates once a week. Keep in mind, the early versions you will "see" the base at the NCR prison as it will look when "finished" - however, once the mod is near completion - it will start dirty, nasty, etc. in the beginning and the improvements will only appear as you complete quests and so forth.



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Immediate Fixes/Changes


1. Guard dogs in-game but"invisible"

2. Some NPC's (FAS) make character "hover" / "disembody" when you try talk to them while others do not

3. Power Quest / Lights not working correctly

4. Coordinate lighting to power grid (power quest)

5. Some junk/clutter not disappearing correctly when "de-activated" with testing switch

6. Change FAS flag to US (flagpoles, etc.)

7. Change look for NPC's (individualize faces, etc). Clothing changes to match jobs (medic, etc)

8. Create NPC's for Misc. offices

9. Delete Fire cans at NCR

10. Add starting junk/clutter to reception hall, prison yard, etc.

11. Add weapons, supplies to crates

12. Farming plot/farming mod

13. Add milk/brahmin mod

14. Add bottle/bottle water mod

15. Crafting recipes

16. Firing range

17. Guard station at main gate

18. Add people/npcs

19. Add electronics/radio tower

20. Clipping, texture, mesh issues - "seams" where buildings come together, etc.


Future fixes

1. Add Quests

2. Voices

3. customize more weapons, armor - find way to display armor so player can see the differences in the armor.

4. Add stairs/level 2 to Admin Bldg at base

5. Script/Quest to make an allied NPC responsible for 'farming'/providing resources.

6. Script/Quest to have allied npc's clean/build bse improvements

7. Inventory script to have supplies you dump into base inventory be used whenever you use any stove, oven, craftig bench etc. ALSO, whenver an NPC fixes something, the supplies are pulled from there.

8. Base soldiers "pull" ammo, etc. from a locker you designate whenver they use ammo. You have to keep them supplied.

9. Medic heals base soldiers when wounded, etc.

10.Engineers or mechanics.

11.Mobile base fortifications

12. Address "Karma" issue when you "kill" NCR folks.

13. Clean up sitesa around the Mojave, quest by quest. When you take over a town,

14. DEACTIVATE Ranger that pops up to give you stuff - he "crashes" the game when you kill him and your npc's are hostile to him.

15. Fix so game won't end if you break too many quests?

16.More NPCs

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1. Build your own base.

2. Collect Resources

3. Rescue/Survivor Missions

4. "Conquer" towns / fortify across the wasteland

5. Establish supply lines, improve base features to produce/recycle resources - farming, fuel, bullets, etc.

6. Escort occasional supply convoys

7. Diplomacy

8. WAR :)

9. "Black" Ops type missions

10. Grow/Improve/Expand your base.

11. Establish power/lighting at base. Maintain fuel/power supplies

12. Control ALL of the Mojave

13. Train soldiers/militia

14. MORE....

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