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Mods resetting on each game reload.


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Hi Community, I have a game-breaking problem and can't figure it out. I started playing/adding mods to FO4 in Feb so I'm willing to accept that I'm a newb. I spend several hours each day tweaking the mod loadout, playing for a bit, then the game will crash. When I restart the game, all mod-related progress is lost.


examples: I get Ivy (a mod from LoversLab) out of the cellar and she joins me. I use console commands to get one of each mod-weapon (ACR, Aquila, Officer's Pistol, Stasis Gun... etc.) travel to the castle and get Serena to join me, get Skadi from the tunnel under Red Rocket. And then I spend a lot of time completely upgrading the weapons. creating outfits for the followers and upgrading those. I started using an auto-save mod a while back because when the game would crash I'd lose hours of progress.


Now, every time I load the game, be it an exit save, auto-save, manual save, or if the game crashed and I just continue, FO4 cycles through the intros to every mod I use. "Thank you for installing suchnsuch mod!" "Welcome to Holotime!" "Patch Applied." (I don't even know what the patch is in reference to) "Started: Salvage Oppertunity, travel to Sanctuary Hills..." (I have salvaged that damned bot so many times I honestly can't estimate the number of times anymore).


Everytime the game is restarted, or a save is loaded all progress is lost. I've recruited Ivy a hundred times, at least, only to have her vanish when I load the game so I have to go get her again.


It seems like the mods are being removed (clearing progress) and then added (to beginning state) on every load.


How can I fix this? Any suggestions?

Edited by streutker
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Hi Community, I have a game-breaking problem and can't figure it out. I started playing/adding mods to FO4 in Feb so I'm willing to accept that I'm a newb. I spend several hours each day tweaking the mod loadout, playing for a bit, then the game will crash. When I restart the game, all mod-related progress is lost.


examples: I get Ivy (a mod from LoversLab) out of the cellar and she joins me. I use console commands to get one of each mod-weapon (ACR, Aquila, Officer's Pistol, Stasis Gun... etc.) travel to the castle and get Serena to join me, get Skadi from the tunnel under Red Rocket. And then I spend a lot of time completely upgrading the weapons. creating outfits for the followers and upgrading those. I started using an auto-save mod a while back because when the game would crash I'd lose hours of progress.


Now, every time I load the game, be it an exit save, auto-save, manual save, or if the game crashed and I just continue, FO4 cycles through the intros to every mod I use. "Thank you for installing suchnsuch mod!" "Welcome to Holotime!" "Patch Applied." (I don't even know what the patch is in reference to) "Started: Salvage Oppertunity, travel to Sanctuary Hills..." (I have salvaged that damned bot so many times I honestly can't estimate the number of times anymore).


Everytime the game is restarted, or a save is loaded all progress is lost. I've recruited Ivy a hundred times, at least, only to have her vanish when I load the game so I have to go get her again.


It seems like the mods are being removed (clearing progress) and then added (to beginning state) on every load.


How can I fix this? Any suggestions?

Hi) How many files are in the save folder?

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Save folder... Like game-saves? 80, total of 979mb. I guess that does seem like a lot of files I don't need anymore, but would that be screwing it up?

Do not say that much. Try to make a backup of the save to a separate folder, then delete the save, except the last 2-3. With them, run the game. If nothing changes, you will have to think further.
Sorry for my English.
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Hmm, no luck. I'm still having the same problem.


I'm only guessing, but it seems like each time I load the game, the saved information loads before the mod resources. So the game skips those items. That explains why the mods are there but they get reset.


I just don't know how to load the resources before loading the saved game-info.

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Hmm, no luck. I'm still having the same problem.


You install the mode manually or via NMM? Read the description of mods-sometimes the mods are incompatible, sometimes you need to install companion modes, sometimes you need to set the download list. Very often the mods should be the same version as the version of the game.

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I don't really know how to do manual installs. I just avoid them. I use MM2 and install using the NMM packs.

I know that many of the mods I use have pre-reqs, half my load order is wasted on the minor mods that the ones I actually use need. It's a drag but I do have them.

All of my mods are for the current FO4 build on steam, I think it's 89. I don't remember exactly, but I spent a couple days re-collecting everything after the update.

Just in the last couple weeks I got into using FO4Edit so I can weed out over-writes and incompatibilities. Now that I think of it, I didn't have this problem before I used it. The problem also didn't start until a week or so after so I don't think it's the cause.

Edited by streutker
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Sadly ... Tried to disconnect the latest established fashion?


Not sure what you mean... I guess wipe everything and start over? I'm afraid that might be my only option, the problem is getting worse just over the course of today. Some mods are just vanishing. I think I might need to uninstall the game, remove all references, and rebuild from the ground up. At least I've pretty much settled on which mods are must-haves so I won't be adding and removing which adds a lot of file-clutter.

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