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Profile Linking in User Images


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-A Suggestion for the Nexus Mods Site-


So User Images under a mod's "Image" Tab don't have linking to the Poster's Profile.

By this I mean:


1-Go to any Mod's Page.

2-Click the "Images" Tab

3-Scroll down to "User Images"


Note that the name of the image poster is shown however doesn't allow linking to that user's Profile in any such way.


The only other way to see that user's content is by manually searching their name or quite frankly "go digging" (the art of finding something or someone).


Why would this be beneficial? There are numerous reasons why obviously, you might like their style, you might be interested if they themselves have posted any mods, etc etc.


I have been lurking Nexus for many years now, since roughly 2011 actually, however that's when I became more dedicated, and have never seen this implemented. For what reason? I simply don't know, it's an inconvenience, and honestly doesn't make any sense to a person who's used the internet enough.


(No seriously, who expects to see someone's name below, above, or next to something, and not be used as a link to their profile, etc.)


-Suggestion for Implementation-


There are numerous ways to do this obviously.


-Move the Username below the image and highlight it green as you have for other links (or whatever color floats your boat)

-When zoomed on the image (clicking on the image) have the link displayed somewhere


Again, I expect someone to come up with a way to do this.



*Thanks for everything guys*

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