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Alchemical Ingredients


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I've noticed a few alchemical ingredients that not only are rare and hard to find, but they shouldn't be as rare or hard to find as they are...

I'm referring specifically to Human hearts, and Human Flesh. My Idea/request, is to perhaps make it a 15% chance for recently killed Nords, Imperials, or Bretons to have 1 Heart, and perhaps a 100% chance for one Human Flesh, with a possibility (5-25% chance) of having one or two additional pieces.


Since Falmer, Orsimer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Altmer, Argonians, and Kajiit are not "Humans", they should not have their list modified.


It's merley a thought, but it would be greatly appreciated for Paralysis Alchemists, such as myself.

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