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Trouble getting Animal Followers to work


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So I was making a follower in the CK and I did all what was described in the Wiki and on Youtube Videos, but I cant seem to get Animal (Wolf) Followers to work.

The Wolf is in the Game where I placed him, but I cant start a dialogue with him, all he does is standing around and howl from time to time.


Here is what I did: (Maybe I am missing something?)


Part I ---> Actor


- I created a new Actor (In this case I choosed EncDog)

- I entered an ID (AFollowerWolf) and gave him a name (Wolf)

- I changed the Race to WolfRace

- I changed the Skin to SkinWolfBlack (Also the Far Away Model)

- I then selected the Faction Tab and made a New form (CurrentFollowerFaction set to -1) and I also made another form (PotentialFollowerFaction set to 0)

- Now I selected the Tab "AIData" and only changed the Assistance to "Help Friends and Allies".

- Now I ticked the boxes "Essential" and "Unique".

- Now I pressed OK.


Part II ---> Relationship


- I didnt really know what to choose, so I choosed "AinetachRagnar"

- Now I entered an ID (NewFollower)

- As Parent NPC I choosed my just made Actor (AFollowerWolf) --- As Child NPC I choosed Player -- I set the Relationship Level to Ally (I left Association Type blank)

- And now I opened the Interior Cell WhiterunBreezehome and placed the Wolf there, I exported the ESP Plugin, activted it in the Launcher (NMM).


Now I am In-Game and can see my Wolf, but I cant talk with him.


Does anybody know any way to solve my little Problem here?


Before you ask:

- I dont have a follower already

- I re-installed both Skyrim and the CK

- I verified the Integrity of my Game Cache


and so on.....


Thanks in advance (I am also thankful for any kind of help)

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There aren't any wolf followers in the original game are there? I have seen dogs, but no wolves. If this is true, then your procedure is incomplete. If you had used a dog it would have worked. But dogs have a different voice type than wolves. To finish your mod, you would need to write some new quest dialog for actors using the wolf voice type and write the appropriate conditions and result scripts. (You could pretty much clone the dog follower dialog.) Or I guess you could do a less desirable approach such as giving your wolf a silent voice, giving your wolf a dog voice, or changing some of the original quests to work for both wolves and dogs. (It would likely damage either the wolves or the dogs in one way or another.)
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