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Help with race mods


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I hate to be a first poster yelling "HELP PLS", but I've got a handful of custom race issues that just refuse to be solved no matter how I configure the mods I have. Obviously, I'm missing a mod or two, so it'd do me an enormous favor if somebody would just put all the names of the mods I'm looking for out there.


I'm sure a lot of you know about the Aquamer, right? You probably know all about how neato it looks, you may even have this mod, but just in case: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1207325365.jpg


Damn. That's cool looking race right there. Here's mine: http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k302/Guinnesso/two.png


The resemblance is.. missing. Mine downright refuses to grow any hair, the facial sliders never quite give me an elf like the render, a whole bunch of things are wrong.


So, sir reading this post, if you would be so kind as to take a look at my data files- http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k302/Guinnesso/three.png -and tell me where I've gone wrong, I'd be much obliged.

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oooo smexy! Anyhoo it looks to me like you're missing the hair meshes, and textures. It seems to be dependent on The Corean Race mod's hair, I see you have that mod. However in order to try to get the hair to work, I'd try to put the Corean Race last in your load order. Might work... If it doesn't you might need to open up the CS and manually add the hair yourself. Or you could try merging the two mods with Wyre Bash, but uhh consult an expert before doing that. *nods* I'm no expert. Either that or just back up the esp's and experiment. With race mods I don't see it causing anything catastrophic if you were to merge them. But then again okay I'm no expert. >.>


As for getting the face just how you like it... hmmm usually trial and error. It can take me many, many hours to get a face just so. I tend to get really obsessive about face's too, which is problematic. I'll get a face just the way I want it, but then I'll for whatever reason find what I believe to be the slightest imperfection, try to change it and mess up the face. :(

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oooo smexy! Anyhoo it looks to me like you're missing the hair meshes, and textures. It seems to be dependent on The Corean Race mod's hair, I see you have that mod. However in order to try to get the hair to work, I'd try to put the Corean Race last in your load order. Might work... If it doesn't you might need to open up the CS and manually add the hair yourself. Or you could try merging the two mods with Wyre Bash, but uhh consult an expert before doing that. *nods* I'm no expert. Either that or just back up the esp's and experiment. With race mods I don't see it causing anything catastrophic if you were to merge them. But then again okay I'm no expert. >.>


As for getting the face just how you like it... hmmm usually trial and error. It can take me many, many hours to get a face just so. I tend to get really obsessive about face's too, which is problematic. I'll get a face just the way I want it, but then I'll for whatever reason find what I believe to be the slightest imperfection, try to change it and mess up the face. :(


Hm, I haven't heard a thing about "Wyre Bash", opening up the CS, or even changing the load order.


The latter sounds like the simplest solution. Care to elaborate, good sir?


Another good idea is finding an Aquamer save file with a nice face and exporting it!


I actually had an idea similar to this one myself, but I didn't find an appropriate save. >:

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