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3rd Person Player Talking Animations


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Hey! Lets get right in to the point because i think this is a very interesting mod for improving a little bit the immersion on the game!

The thing is: I was playing a little bit of Skyrim then an NPC came and started talking to me, my character turned his head (thanks to the Player Headtracking mod)
then the NPC showed the Dialogue options and at this point I thought if I click one of this options my character will not make any visual representation of that "comunication".

I know that there's a few of that "talking animations" like the Serana ones, so why we can't put a chance on the player for making one of thoose animations when he chooses a dialogue option?

(sry for this but i think it will be a good way for preveting lazy modders/people from skipping this post :3)

Thats all! :3


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