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Dynamic Skill Tracking


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I think it would be cool to watch the skill meters of your character's skills fill up as they increase.


For example, say I'm sneaking near a bandit hideout. Whenever my sneak skill's meter starts to increase(fill up), I would like to see the skill bar slowly filling up on the left-hand side of the screen; to appear when this is so, and to disappear when skill increase is idle, or not progressing.

This should work for multiple talents, too. E.G., when I take a shot at an enemy while in sneak mode, I would see not only the sneak skill bar(labeled) appear and show me the increase, but so would the archery skill bar, simultaneously. Same with combat: when my one-handed weapon connects with an enemy, the one-handed skill bar would appear as the bar increases, and when an enemy's attack connects with me, the appropriate armor increases would show(this has to work to show both armor skills increasing if I'm wearing heavy armor and light armor) as well, and the same goes for if I'm blocking and my enemy's attack connects with my shield.


Basically, take the meter of the skill being increased(again, dynamically--not just when it gains a point, but when the meter is being filled up), and show it on the HUD. I know that the skills are constantly increasing in the skill menu, so it would be as simple as taking the meter in the menu and causing it to appear while it is being put into practical use, etc.


See, this way I wouldn't have to open up the menu, then select the skill menu to see how much further a certain skill needs to progress; I can just look over at the left-hand side of the screen. This would make the wait more bearable when, say, I'm waiting for an armor skill to increase as an enemy attacks me, while I use a restoration spell(which is also increasing) to let them do so repeatedly.


It would be preferable if each skill had their own preselected section to appear, instead of appearing from top to bottom in the order that they are being used(I should also mention that the entire skill increase section would be underneath the general messages at the top right, e.g. "you are feeling well rested," or "you are carrying to much weight to run."


I'm not using any UI mods or HUD mods.

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Bump* up the jam.


Seriously...does no one else think this is a good idea? We wouldn't have to open up the skill menu again and again. Someone maybe want to suggest who I could pitch this to in PM's, or should I just dig 'em up myself?

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