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NPC diversity!


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I've been an RPG fan all my life, always eager to see how far the genre will evolve. Here's an idea I've been drooling about since Fallout 3.


For those of us with comps that can handle all the rendering, I think it would enormously boost the realism and atmosphere of the game if we could customize the NPCs. Imagine selecting followers and essential NPCs and giving them each unique faces, outfits and body types. It would take the gameplay to a whole new level.


Is it possible to write a mod that targets select NPCs and lets you customize them?

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My gut tells me that it would be a complicated endeavour to get a feature like that working in-game, and it would almost certainly require SKSE. Of course, there's no reason you couldn't open up Skyrim.esm in the CK and edit the appearance of any NPC you wish - which is the main reason that I think it's unlikely someone will be willing to create such a mod. Why bother mucking around with hard-coded limitations when there's already a system in place to achieve the same results?
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Nope its the only way and donsnt take Any modding skills at All u just have to e good at making chars if u want i kan give u a small tuto how to edit chars
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