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Can somebody explain ENB to me?


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I've been trying to wrap my head around ENB since screenshots look really lovely, but i am having some problems what to use and how to install it.


From what i gathered, there is the ORIGINAL ENB by Boris Vorontsov (http://enbdev.com/index_en.html), and it usually consists of three main files that DON'T go into the "data" folder, which means i cant use NMM.


Then there are a lot of people who use his "software" to create their own versions for Skyrim.


I would be really grateful if somebody could explain the basics to me so i can choose one.



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Right, all the files generally just need to go into the Skyrim folder. However, the latest Skyrim patch basically broke most ENB mods. The new version that Boris Vorontsov created is called 1.11 Kage, and as far as I know, you have to get it from the official site: enbdev.com


Presets alter and modify the original mod from Vorontsov, and are generally installed after you get the basic version from his site. They need to overwrite Vorontsov's original files when you copy them into your Skyrim folder, by the way. Remember, most ENB mods won't work very well anymore. Make sure the one you download is based on version 1.08 or higher.


There are two basic types of ENB mods:

Wrapper versions and Injector versions.

With wrapper versions, you just copy the files into your Skyrim folder and that's all you really need to do.

With injector versions, you must run the .exe files every time before you start to play Skyrim, and leave it running as you play Skyrim. This is generally considered to be the less performance-hungry of the two options.


As for tweaking... You could write a book on that. It's complicated, and not all presets work the same for everyone. Not only that, but there's usually a massive framerate drop associated with ENB mods because they usually add very high grade graphical effects. Ones that advertise a tiny performance hit will hurt the least of course, but again, you need to make sure that it's based on 1.08 or higher. Ask the author if you can't find it anywhere in the readme or description, because using an early version with the latest Skyrim patch will royally mess up your graphics until you uninstall it.


You'll find that most of the great looking screenshots forced the people taking them to modify their version of ENB to specifically fit their monitor and their graphics card. Most presets won't look great for everyone. However, they increase Skyrim's graphics to a level beyond any other mod in the world if they're done correctly.


What you essentially need to know:

Get 1.11 Kage from enbdev.com

Put all the files like the enbeffect.fx directly into your Skyrim folder.

Get a guide for tweaking ENB yourself: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8005 , or download a preset for version 1.08 or later (preferrably version 1.11).

Be prepared for your game to suddenly run at 20 fps unless you have an impressive PC.


Btw, here are some images from one I'm customizing for myself. :laugh:




Edited by Rennn
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  • 3 months later...
Tweaking ENB is fairly easy once you've had to dabble with it forever because your mods keep breaking or you have to do weird combos of files from other ENB versions. For instance, I'm running the enbseries.dll from .117 and I'm running custom made settings.ini and preeffectspass.fx files from .113 along with some of my own tweaking code in both of those files. It's actually a good way to start getting familiar with graphics programming if you're into it.
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