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Can't talk to Maisha after adopting her?


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This is Ma'isha the khajiit orphan

Her adoption dialog works fine and she showed up at my house right away, but I can't initiate dialog after this. She can still run up and talk to me but I get the "no" noise when I try to click on her. So I can not play with her or giver her presents, etc.

So far I have tried:
re-downloading and reinstalling the mod
going to a previous save and readopting her
moving her between my two vanilla houses
the console commands disable/enable and ResetAi
I have carefully cleaned my mods and used LOOT to sort my load order
I am not wearing a mask that hides my identity

The only mods I have that might affect her are Multiple Adoptions (which I have not used on her, she is the second of two children in my vanilla homes; disabling mod had no effect) and the marriage khajiit mod, which I am worried about disabling because I've been married to kharjo for a long while now. All mods were installed with Nexus Mod Manager

I am also worried about using her replacement version because I adopted Lucia already, who she replaces. Is it safe to use that version after adoption?

I looked through all 40 pages of the mod posts and could not find anyone with the same problem, or who had already adopted Lucia. General examples of people not being able to engage NPCs were all related to mods or equipment I do not have. I would really appreciate any help or advice, I'm still new to modding and can not find any info on this problem


Full Load order:




Edited by ghostteeth
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