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Stardew Valley

Mod Help? Advice? On creating items for Stardew Valley?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, to start modding, I recommend paint.net (to edit .png files) and XNB extract (to extract .png and .yaml from the .xnb files). They are both fairly easy programs to use, once you get the hang of it. I recommend starting with vanilla game files, just recolors and resizing, until you get more experience with it. There is no coding involved, just unpacking and repacking .png and .yaml files. I started modding because hardly anything in the game matches or has a full set. I have a full furniture line now (some pieces are kinda crappy, I have to admit, but I'm still learning. I only started designing last August or September, myself) and I have a whole dark wood town coming out in the future, where 90% of the furniture in NPC/marriage candidate homes is recolored or redesigned.

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