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Foxes of Tamriel (thieves guild quest expansion)


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The Foxes Den (Thieves Guild safe house in Whiterun)


Entrance locations

- tunnels below Whiterun jail

-underwater in one of the moats/pools OR outside Whiterun


Size and Layout

- the size should not be too big, only enough space for 6 or 7 NPC's to live (not including the Guildmaster)

- should be cosy

- 4 to 5 rooms max ( not including Guildmasters chambers) nothing too grand but all clutter should be Noble and expensive ( Thieves like to live in comfort)

- a fence

- a thief dressed as a Whiterun guard (minus the helm)

- a thief dressed that has the appearance of a mage and a theif (i suggest using "Bandolier - Bags and Pouches" to accomplish this )

- a hallway which has 5 doors in series which require to be unlocked to reach the Whiterun Guildmaster (doors should reset each time you enter the den)

- each thief must be a different race (suggest that the mage is Breton and the guard an imperial )

- no references to Nocturnal except for in the Guildmasters Quarters




- takes place after reviving the thieves guild in Riften you receive a message to talk to the Someone in Whiterun

- upon entering Whiterun you are arrested and thrown in jail for "Lolly-gaging"

- once in jail a guard (the thief mentioned above) gives you a letter said it was from one fox to another

- note contains directions to the den

- upon entering the den the others direct you to pass through hall of gates (the hall mentioned above) to speak with the Guildmaster

- the Guildmaster (I suggest that you choose Gallus for this position and say that he faked his death to serve a higher purpose ) tells you that they are a group of thieves referred to as the Foxes of Tamriel composed of nightingales whose main purpose is to gather information and report to the rest of the Guild spread across Tamriel and they are currently in Skyrim due to the return of the dragons. They are in Whiterun because that is where it all started. (their all Spys like the CIA and Mossad, just more boss )


- this launches a series of quests that require the player to gather information,

- form persuading or intimidating NPCs (highly suggest using one of the greybeard's for this and also some beggars )

- Stealing scrolls or lexicons from the mages college, Sky Haven Temple, Museums, the Champion guild, a possible hidden library in skyrim, Imperial Commanders, Jarls


- Side quests from other members can also be given

- one possible side quest is that one of the members has information on Runes (from thieves guild in Riften) past

- their all thieves and like to live large so they send the noob (this is the player) to do all the dirty work which means you have to steal hard to get materials, books, ingredients, food, drink, and a serving girl / bard

- and any other ideas you come up with I will post additional ideas to the tread


Final reward given by the guild master is Gray Cowl of Nocturnal worn by the legendary Grey Fox

- other rewards can be pieces of the Grey Foxes Armour and Weapons, unbreakable lock pick...


Ite so the reason i posted this is cause i cant use the creation kit without pulling a massive and epic fail. so i post in the the hope that this idea becomes a reality if you have any question about holes in the plot line or specifics in the layout let me know and ill answer to the best of my ability i really hope some people take this project on i feel that it has major potential

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