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Is this possible? A particular crash prevention....


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Skyrim will crash if you move too fast because the whole streaming the environment.

Is it possible to fix this issue?


It just sucks how you can be flying having the time of your life as a dragon and suddenly the game CTD, the root reason is because you travelling too damn fast!


Maybe its possible to somehow make the streaming less of a strain or something? not too sure what needs to be done but i just know that it sucks to CTD when flying

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Well, the problem is that the faster you move in Skyrim from region to region, the more RAM you need. That's because when you enter a new area, the game has to load it and before that it has to unload the previous area, that's why sometimes the game freezes for 0.5 seconds. Doing that too fast you put a lot of stress on your RAM, therefore you get CTDs.
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Seriously, someone should look into fixing this. We've got flying rings, flying airships, and of course, DRAGON TRANSFORMS!, we are traveling faster than Bethesda intended. Anything that can be done to prevent, or maybe just ignore (but not CTD) the issue that causes this?
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