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does anyone know this mod or have a simple fix reccomendation?


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just got to legendary the other day and when I finally went to make daedric armor I noticed the torso is already enchanted the second u craft it for some reason with "atronarchflametrail" I cannot unenchant it or anything its a very useless effect if your trying your best to play legit and use the original enchants I've been missing out on a good 70 hp or so + magicka/stam for a extremely faint candle glow effect which is nigh unnoticeable in screenshots.-. when u put the daedric torso on it sounds like ur under water or a industrial fan is chasing you, its so loud u can put ur sound effects down to the lowest tic and still hear it. I had the game installed for quite a while on my pc and I have no idea what mod this is or where I can find it ive checked seemingly everywhere I would think,plz halp

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it's probably due to a mod you have installed

so you should provide your load order (in spoiler tags) and look through the mods you have installed , to try and find the culprit

what you could also do is open TES5Edit , load your entire load order , let it run and look through either the crafting or the armor sections (it depends on what is actually edited by the mod) , and try to find the plugin responsible for this change

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