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Proximity Light


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Hey guys,


I'm working on a bunker. One touch I wanted was a proximity-activated klaxon at the doors, to signal the player coming and going. But, I can't program "hello world."


If anyone out there is willing, here's what I'd like for the script:

-Activated by the player being within 512 units

-Klaxon light (the cool spinning kind) turns on

-Siren turns on


Anyone feel up to helping a newbie? I'd really appreciate the help.




P.S. Is the Liberty Prime model anywhere in the FNV:UE data files? I've been looking for it in the GECK but can't see anything.


EDIT: I'm a forum noob- I didn't see the "mod request" forum until a few hours ago. I know this is in the wrong place, I just can't find a way to delete this post.

Edited by Nosnamreh
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