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Is there a way to call cc or cow from a bat file without the game freezing?


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If I save a file "new.txt" to my Skyim folder with either the following contents:



coc RiverwoodSleepingGiantInn





cow Tamriel 0 0


And try to load them with a batch file from the console:



bat new


The game freezes. Both of these commands work fine when called from the console manually but not from a batch file.


Is there any way to do this without freezing?


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It's known that they do not run from batch files.


Try this:


; Reference ID for the COCMarkerHeading in the Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn.


player.moveTo 000CEFC9


; Reference ID for the COCMarkerHeading at the origin cell in Tamriel (0, 0)


player.moveTo 000CA5DC
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