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Random Crash during play

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are you aware that both esp's and esm's can both be types of master files , just to clarify esm elder scroll master file esp elder scrolls plugin . Any given esp can be dependant on both esm's and esp's all mods are obviously dependant on fallout new vegas ESM but a mod may also require another specific esp file like a merged patch or a compatibility patch for example .


mod managers use templates to determine your load order based upon data gathered from users but are not always right ! this is due to the fact that there's how many mods on the nexus and how many possible combinations . which is why it is best only used as a rough guide ultimately you have to decide which mod you want to be the dominant force ( conflict winner )


now you mention terrain textures which ones NMC's per chance wouldn't be ultra super duper high res would it ? and you say draw distance ? have you been tweaking the .ini's ?

or have you put in high res texture packs and not optimized the .ini to compensate for additional load ?

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