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Categorizing Your Load Order?


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I found this list on categorizing your load order. It was just done a couple of years ago and I was wondering if this list is about correct or is it even necessary. I know there is loot, but it does not always put mods where it should. I know the old saying if it works then leave it be, but if there is a chance that this could straighten up an issue down the road, then why not go ahead and set it up this way, especially if you are in the early stages of re-installing mods. Seems like it would be a lot easier to sort them as you install them than wait until you have around 50 or so mods already installed.



  1. ) Patches and bug fixes
  2. ) Big mods and overhauls that affect the entire game
  3. ) Quest mods (big or small)
  4. ) Environments/weather Overhauls
  5. ) Large add-ons that add cities/towns/land masses
  6. ) Adds buildings to current cities/towns
  7. ) Plants and foliage mods for the entire game
  8. ) Gameplay changes/tweaks/add-ons such as combat/magic/perks/etc
  9. ) Changes/add-ons to NPCs
  10. ) Visual/textural/atmospheric changes
  11. ) Sound/audio/FX alterations
  12. ) Sorting, menu, and player & NPC inventory
  13. ) Cheat items
  14. ) Character model replacements
  15. ) Weapons/armor/clothing add-ons/additions
  16. ) Crafting related mods
  17. ) Misc. items, as well as small scale foliage
  18. ) Weapon/armor/clothing alterations
  19. ) Specific mods that need to be loaded at the bottom as directed by the mod author
  20. ) Mods that remove graphical effects, like disabling godrays, to improve performance - this goes last to ensure that all mod added effects get disabled too.
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