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Dragonborn declared traitor


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So how about during the civilwar you side with the storm cloaks and as you help slay general tullius the jarl of the windhelm to secure his position as high king and leave no competition declares you a traitor to the soldiers. ok so now we all know how easy it is to slay a few stormcloaks and strike down the Jarl but you flee the city instead with a few of the stormcloak soldiers that rebel against the jarl new law to a hideout that one soldier your new general kows and you begin a new quest to thwart the evil jarl and reclaim your name to the people of skyrim? sounds like an epic twist if you ask me. also sounds pretty law friendly to me.
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I hate being mean, but please use proper grammar and check to make sure that you haven't had any spelling errors. It's easier to read. :/


Anyway, although I'm an Imperial (>:D) it sounds like a cool idea. However, this would take a long time and someone else would have the voice the dialog of the Jarl and everything.

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