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Script NPC to Come Help In Battle


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Hi everyone


I want to make a NPC come to the aid of the player when ambushed by a specific attacker.


I want to position the helping NPC out away from the area of the ambush and have them run to the aid of the player.


Can this be done using an AI Package ?


Do I need a script instead that forces the NPC to run to the player ?


Thanks guys



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Yeah, I have done this, however, because I want the NPC to run in from somewhere else, they do not detect that the player is under attack and never come to help.


I need to tell my NPC that they must now run to a particular spot to help out when, maybe, the bad guy detects the player or the player is hit, or even if the bad guy is hit or draws his weapon.


I used to be very good scripting in Fallout 3 but this new script is killing me !!


Thanks for your help


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I think you just have to put a "travel" package on the NPC (the relationship will do the rest) with the player as target.


Use "GetAttacked" and run it on TARGET (not subject)


Target: For dialogue, this is the actor being spoken to. For Packages, it's the actor/object specified as the target.


Or you can use a quest to trigger it all, but i don't know if you want.


EDIT: Just saw that travel hasn't got a target, but only a location. You can try using "find" or "activate" or "followto" (specifing the final location)

Edited by gasti89
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Ok cool, I'll check it out.


I have had trouble in the past with travel packages because the NPC just magically beams into the area at the target, doesn't run through the dungeon.


I'll have another look at trying to get that to work.


Thanks a lot for your reply !



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