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Custom Spells Not Showing Up In Game


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I'm new at modding and tried creating my first set of spells with the Skyrim Creation Kit. I created two spells and both aren't showing up. the esp is in my folder, but no plugin shows in my game. I did a help search and it still doesn't show up. (I can create multiple spells in one plugin right?) Also, I saved them to my data folder. Here is one of them:

Magic Effect:
Name: Fish Gills
Effect Archtype: Value Modifier
Casting Type: Fire and Forget
Delivery: Self
Magic Skill: Alteration
Max Skill Level: 0
Assoc Item 1: Waterbreathing
Perk to Apply: AlterationNovice00
Flags Checked: Recover, No Hit Effect, No Magnitude, No Area
Base Cost: 55

Spell (for above):
Type: Spell
Casting: Fire and Forget (greyed out)
Delivery: Self (greyed out)
Menu Display Object: Magic Hat Marker
Equip Type: Either Hand
Casting Perk: AlterationNovice00
Charge Time: 0.1
Spell Cost: 55
Equiped the correct Effect Name and changed Duration to 1 hour.

Can anyone help with what went wrong? Thanks!

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