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ikinhi - Formal warning issued

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ikinhi has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Uploaded a mod with copyrighted content without permission from the copyright holder. The mod is just a folder containing all the SKSE scripts from version 1.7.3 (current build) of SKSE from skse.silverlock.org.


This is in violation of both the SKSE Terms of Service and the Nexus Terms and Policies.


From the SKSE Readme,

* Can I include SKSE as part of a mod pack/collection or otherwise rehost the files?


- No. Providing a link to http://skse.silverlock.org/ is the suggested method of distribution. Exceptions may be given under applicable circumstances; contact us at the email addresses below. This means that if you see this file available for download anywhere other than http://skse.silverlock.org, that service is violating copyright. I don't like having to explicitly spell this out, but my hand has been forced.


From our File Submission Guidelines,

User submissions which include copyrighted content are prohibited unless proper permission has been granted by the property owner or appropriate representation.





This warning was issued for what took place here, here




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Our terms of service

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