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Follower location on map idea


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So you're running around skyrim and see someone you would like to become your follower. Ok so now you choose to have them follow you around. After they accept, you then open up quest log. In the list you will see your followers name, and hp. That way you can tell if your follower has died someware or is now low on health and in need of some aid. But it dosn't stop there, if you click on their name it will activate your follower as an active quest. Meaning when you open up your map you will see the location of your follower, since they would have that quest arror over their head just like all the other quest's ingame.


So in the end you'll end up with a way to locate your follower and see if the're alive or dead.


Anyone able to create that one? I believe it would come in real handy at times.

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