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Navigation / Mapping Skill


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I'm curious if this is even possible. I think it would be cool if there was a navigation skill. Where you can't bring up the map until you buy one. Also, at low skill you might be able to look at a map, but it gives no indication of where you are on the map until you skill up. As you level up you might know where you are, but not the direction your pointed. Another skill could be a limit on the distant of fast travel. Also maps that provide different details, some being poor quality maps, others being higher quality. The distance icons for undiscovered locations begin to appear. (If at all.) Remove the compass until you buy one. No quest markers until you have particular items and the required skill. Just things like that!

I think it would be fun to make it a bit more difficult to navigate around the world until you really start to explore, and have it done in a way that is related to skill.

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