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Thu'um Leveling


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Wouldn't it be cool if you could level your Thu'um as you gained experience in its use.


I mean its just talking in the Dovah language.


The way I see it is that the more you use a Thu'um the easier it should be to use.


Here is how I would imagine the Thu'um should work:


Learn the word of power and you can use it [X] times a day


- [X] is your speechcraft divided by 10 and rounded down (minimum of 1)


Each time you use a word you increase this by 1 and your cool down is reduced by 1


Tier 2 words would need 2 times the number of uses for the same result


Tier 3 words would need 4 times the number of uses for the same result


I always wondered why you could use a spell and it would increase in power but Dovah Words were just the same no matter how many times you used them.

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