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Rigging new animals

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Hello One and All.



Could anybody direct me to a tutorial on how to rig an existing animal skeleton to a new mesh?

in this case, i am using a slightly modified horse skeleton to make a pack mule.i have the mesh and the skeleton in 3dsmax, but i have no idea how to rig the skeleton to the new mesh!


i normally do statc objct models, so im not used to using skeletons. :confused:




thanks for any help you guys can bring.

Edited by born2bkilled
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This is what you want: Blender 2.5 Intro to Automatic Rigging How to Re-Use a Rig by Changing the Skin of a Game


Edited by steve40
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HI i use max as well, and find blender a complete disaster (sorry)


what you need is to add a skin modifier, or easier a skin wrap modifier.. make sure you open the scene of the original horse (imported nif with skeleton to max) then merge your new horse.. now add the skin wrap modifer


select the original horse in the modifier and select create skin(make sure assign all vertices (or something like that) is checked..


now your new horse is rigged in the same way as the original horse and you can delete the original horse and export..



I find that to make it work in skyrim i open the original nif in nifskope.. then open another window in nifskope with the new horse..


then i cope the following data from the new to the old using cope and paste over . : nitrishapdata , niskininstance, niskindata, niskinpartition then make sure the bones list in niskindata is identical to the old (just change the num bones and each bone to the nr it needs to be, make sure you look at the bone names, numbers are different per file)


also make sure the num uvsets in nitrishapedata is set to 4097 and you use the spell batch update tangent space to make sure the normal maps work..


anyway its a hard process to explain , took me many many tries to understand a good workflow..

This is a good armor tutorial, its basically the same for animals




muppetpuppet and good luck

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