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Beginning Glitch


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I'm trying to start a new playthrough of Skyrim, but the carrieage can't even get through the gates of Helgen.


I know that that's a common issue, and that the solution is usually to turn the refresh rate to 60hz.

My refresh rate was already set to 59, but I turned it up to 60, but the problem persisted.


What's weird is that my character is apparently up at the front of the wagon, clipping through the seat, instead of back with Brynolf, Ulfrik, and the other NPCs.


This is actually a fresh reinstall of Skyrim. I uninstalled in the hopes that a fresh installation would correct the problem. Nope.


Additionally, I have uninstalled all mods.


Any ideas?

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The carnage beginning of skyrim is super bug, as that scene just barely works on a good day. what you need is

Alternative start - live another life

its a mod (on the nexus) that skips that intro and you can choose your own start.

Edited by talen55
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The carnage beginning of skyrim is super bug, as that scene just barely works on a good day. what you need is

Alternative start - live another life

its a mod (on the nexus) that skips that intro and you can choose your own start.



Actually I believe you can choose the vanilla start with that mod and it will solve the bug the OP is referring to.

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Yeah, I was thinking about trying the alternate start mod, but I was hoping to get the root problem fixed.


Still, I didn't realize that the beginning bug was so common. I thought there was something wrong with my computer, or the residual game files.


I'll give it a shot, and cross my fingers.



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Well, using the vanilla start option just results in the same broken beginning as without the mod, except I'm outside of the wagon and the wagon is upended.


Plus, I'm stuck with that T-pose bug.


I never thought "playing" a video game would be so exhausting.

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