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Skyrim Creation Kit Playable Race [HELP!]


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Hello Skyrimnexus.


I've recently started a new mod, introducing a new class to Skyrim. I plan to expand the class so much to the extent that it has its own faction and headquaters.


I've ran into trouble with hair / facial hair however.


I've duplicated the NordRace, got the body and everything set up. However, hair and facial hair and other facial features don't seem to register as a Nord, and stick to [NONE] ultimately making your character the default look, not allowing you to customize your character. Excluding few features.


I really need help with this, any feedback is appreciated.

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  • 5 months later...

Wish I could help but I've ran into the same problem while trying to make dwarves. If you can figure it out let me know and I'll do the same :)


Edit: I've just read that it has something to do with "Head part lists" not sure how yet though


Edit:Edit: I just figured it out, I will try and explain in as simply as possible;

In CK navigate to Character>HeadPart then select any beard/facial hair that you want and right click then duplicate, double click your duplicate and rename it whatever you want "Chunky's beard" etc. make sure the type dropdown is on "facial hair" then choose the Valid races dropdown and navigate to your race. Now when you open up you races face/head data select facial hair on the head parts list then go to the drop down for it and you will see "Chunky's Beard" as one of the options (depending how many beards you made), select it and click ok. That should be all of it, let me know if it plays up at all.

Edited by Shoneah0Tokala
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  • 4 months later...

It's an old thread, but I just found it today and I'm having the same trouble so want to get this active again.


There is still information missing here. Just adding new beard names isn't enough. When we go to the race file's "FACE DATA" tab, and look at face, eyes, hair, facial hair, and eyebrow, there are no drop down options just as ChunkyTomato had asked. All that is there is "NONE".


I found part of the solution here: http://www.gameskyrim.com/custom-race-only-one-hair-option-eye-option-etc-t254161.html

That solved the head and beard problem, but eyes and hair still elude me.


Copied text:

"Duplicate male and female heads, change the ID and names to whatever you want.

Open the head files. Find "Valid Races" and change the selection to HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeasts

In Object Window, go to Miscellaneous/FormList and type "head" in the filter.

Add your race to the "HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeasts" FormList (drag and drop works)

There is also a Formlist HeadPartsHuman (in my case "HeadPartsElves") you can select if you only want the human (elf) head parts.


Now this solves the beard and head issue... but under "eyes" I have "NONE" as an option or "FemaleEyesHumanDemon" and hair is only 1 type.


EDIT: figured out the eyes! Needed to make some eyes, and open each "eye" file and change "Valid races" to my race.

Edited by Ahondara
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